Men's Coffee & Fellowship Fridays

Men's Coffee & Fellowship Fridays
Join us for MorningStar Men's Coffee Fellowship EVERY FRIDAY, 6:30am - 7:30am in the PARTNER'S LOUNGE on Main Street at MorningStar

MorningStar Monthly Men's Gathering

MorningStar Monthly Men's Gathering
Come out to our monthly men's gathering to fellowship through various activities, including guest speakers, small group ministry and discussions, financial workshops, recreation and adventure outings to name a few.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Transform U Career & Calling Seminar - Jan. 25th - $8

Hey Men, A friend of mine passed this to me and I thought I would share it with you, just in case you might be interested. I don't know these guys, but Claton thinks highly of them. I trust him! Only a half day...right close at Transformation Church off of Hwy 521, Only $8.00. Strength and Honor, Kevin Casner ------------------------------- Guys, Wanted to forward this on, if you know someone unemployed, underemployed, or wrongly employed. This is a great place to get some help, Brian has an amazing heart to assist others in finding a good fit. Pass it on! Clayton ------------------------------ TRANSFORMATION U Calling & Career Seminar What is God’s calling for your career? Find out Saturday, January 25, 7:30am-noon Transformation Church on 521 Cost is $8. Seeking new job? Unhappy - unfulfilled - bored at work? Want to hear & follow God’s calling? Wonder about new career? Learn seven steps to find a job, career, and God's calling The workshop includes 70-page Crossroads Career Workbook and PLACE assessment. Presenters include professionals from human resources, recruiting, career coaching, training and development. Bring buddies and have more fun. Only $8 per person for workbook. Register now -- for more info, email Transformation Church is a member of Crossroads Career Network.

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